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Join the Poetry Book Society and Newcastle University to celebrate COMMUNITY on the 11th May at the Northern Poetry Symposium at Northern Stage in Newcastle from 10 am to 5pm. 

The Northern Poetry Symposium is an action-packed and inspiring day of discussions and performances by world-class poets including Malika Booker, Airea D. Matthews, Jamie Hale, Adam Lowe, Stephanie Sy Quia, Kim Moore, Inua Ellams, Mani Rao, Sarabjeet Garcha, Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa, Yogesh Maitreya, Clare Lees, Lily Blacksell, Jacob Sam-La Rose, Clare Shaw, Nathalie Teitler, Imtiaz Dharker, Theresa Munoz and many more. 

We’re uniting all strands of the poetry community from readers to writers, students to publishers in a day of inspiring poet-led panel discussions and performances. It’s a unique opportunity to hear world-class poets discuss their craft and tackle key issues, so come and join our global poetry community!

All day in-person tickets cost £20 (£15 concessions) to hear from 20 plus poets plus a free networking lunch. Digital tickets for the live stream are available at £10. Book now.

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