Calling all bookshops! Is your poetry section a waste land? We can help it grow!
Founded by T S Eliot, the Poetry Book Society selects the best new poetry books every quarter. Why not become a PBS Partner Bookshop and set up a Poetry Book Society display featuring our Bulletin magazine and our top poetry selections every quarter?
The new-look quarterly PBS Bulletin features lively interviews with major worldwide poets, reviews and extensive listings of all the latest poetry books. It’s an essential addition to any bookshop’s poetry or literary magazine section. It's also the perfect way to help your bookshop's poetry buyer curate your poetry section by using our Bulletin listings and selections as an easy guide to the best new poetry every quarter.
Bookshops can order the quarterly PBS Bulletin direct from our distributors Booksource Alternatively please get in touch with alice@poetrybooksociety.co.uk to arrange a meeting with your local rep or find out more.