Thank you for your interest in the Poetry Book Society! Please use the below options to learn more about membership or submissions, or to contact us to renew your membership.
General Enquiries
Tel.: +44 (0)191 230 8100
Postal Address: Poetry Book Society, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1LF United Kingdom
Please be aware that our office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You may find an answer to your question in
our FAQs.
Submissions to the Bulletin
Publishers are invited to submit upcoming poetry books to us via our Zealous page during our call-out periods. You can also view our Submission Guidelines page. Please contact us via the above to be included in our list for call-outs or find out more about submissions.
Social Links
Twitter: @PoetryBookSoc
Instagram: @poetrybooksociety