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There are only two days left to enter the PBS & Mslexia Women's Poetry Prizes! Today's #Poetips video reveal comes from the wonderful poet Kris Johnson. Here she is reading her poem Skinny Dip and in conversation about the how to overcome your inner critic. We do hope her words of wisdom and warm advice will help you through the final push before the deadline on Monday 16th September. Keep writing!

Kris Johnson is a writer, researcher, teacher and organiser. Though she was born in the foothills outside of Seattle, Washington, Kris has resided in the UK for the past decade and has recently completed a PhD at Newcastle University exploring the intersection of literature and Deep Ecology in the American West. Her work has been highly commended in the RSPB/Rialto Nature Writing Competition and appears in anthologies and journals including Hallelujah for 50ft Women (Bloodaxe), Ambit, Butcher’s Dog, The Lifeboat, The Irish Literary Review, POEM, Poetry London and The Rialto.

Don't forget to enter your poems into the Women's Poetry Prizes here before the deadline on Monday 16th September. 


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