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We're somewhat addicted to Instagram's Bookstagram phenomenon! All those delicious cups of coffee and even more delicious books are truly irresistible. Here's our round up of the Best Bookstagrammers to follow for all things bookish on Instagram. 

JEN V CAMPBELL @jenvcampbell


Our very own Vlogger-in-Residence Jen Campbell is an absolutely brilliant Booktuber and Bookstagrammer. Look out for her latest PBS Vlog coming soon in the Spring for plenty of inspiring poetry recommendations and maybe even a cameo appearance from her lovely literary dog Lola.

HALCYON DAYS OF SUMMER @thehalcyondaysofsummer


Typewriters, coffee and vintage books of the utmost beauty are all displayed with beguiling charm. Halcyon days indeed. We also loved the recent PBS parcel posts. Can't wait to see what you make of our latest Spring Selections!

POLLY FLORENCE @polly.florence


This feed is filled with fairy lights, hot chocolate, candles and cosy duvet days curled up with some of the most beautiful books. We want your library and lifestyle Polly!

BOOKS AND BEANS @booksandbeans


We're no stranger to the old latte art, distressed  table and poetry book look but this Bookstagrammer has got it down to an art form. The perfect blend of coffee and literary recommendations for hyper-caffeinated creatives. Make mine a poetry latte please... 

BLUESTOCKING BOOKSHELF @bluestockingbookshelf  (66.5k followers)

So many beautiful books artfully arrayed! This Bookstagrammer finds the most exquisite editions and takes the ultimate shelfie shots. The perfect inspiration for PBS members building their own poetry library!

Who do you follow on Instagram for your daily bookish fix and poetry recommendations? Tag @PoetryBookSoc into your favourites.

Next, we'll be looking at our favourite Instapoets - share your favourites and recommendations across our social media @poetrybooksoc.

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