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We're so excited to finally be able to reveal our Autumn 2021 Selections! After reading through lots of books from publishers big and small, our expert PBS Book Selectors Andrew McMillan, Sarah Howe, Anthony Anaxagorou and Loretta Collins Klobah have picked the very best new poetry releases to send to our members. The Autumn Selections feature books due out in July, August, September and members will receive their exclusive copies hot off the press, in mid-August, before copies hit the high street bookshops. Congratulations to all our Autumn Selections! We can't wait to share their incredible new books with you.

AUTUMN 2021 

Autumn Choice: 
Hannah Lowe, The Kids (Bloodaxe)
Recommendations: Jack Underwood, A Year in the New Life (Faber)
Raymond Antrobus, All The Names Given (Picador)
Togara Muzanenhamo, Virga (Carcanet)
Nidhi Zak/Aria Eipe, Auguries of a Minor God (Faber)
Special Commendation: Out of Time: Poetry from the Climate Emergency, ed. Kate Simpson (Valley Press)
Translation Choice: Jacek Gutorow, Invisible, trans. Piotr Florczyk (Arc Publications)
Wild Card Choice: Threa Almontaser, The Wild Fox of Yemen (Picador)

Join the Poetry Book Society today as a Choice Member for your copy of the Autumn Choice, The Kids by Hannah Lowe, and our Autumn Bulletin magazine, or as a Complete Member for SIX of our selected books!
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