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We're so excited to reveal our Summer Selections will be:

Choice: Kazim Ali, The Voice of Sheila Chandra, Platypus Press  
Recommendations: Rebecca Perry, Stone Fruit, Bloodaxe
        Nuzhat Bukhari, Brilliant Corners, CB Editions
        Kayo Chingonyi, A Blood Condition, Chatto
        Luke Kennard, Notes on the Sonnets, Penned in the Margins
Special Commendation: Alice Hiller, Bird of Winter, Pavilion Poetry
 Translation Choice: Terence Dooley trans. Eduardo Moga's My Father, Shearsman
Wild Card Choice: Leo Boix, Ballad of A Happy Immigrant, Chatto

Join the PBS by 15th May for our Summer Mailing List. Choice members will get a copy of The Voice of Sheila Chandra plus our Summer Bulletin magazine. Complete members get SIX books including our Choice, Recommendations and Translation Choice.




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