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The nights are drawing in and the days are darkening but don't fear we've got some absolutely stellar poetry books to brighten up this Winter and we're so excited to finally reveal them!

PBS Winter Choice: Fred D’Aguiar, Letters to America (Carcanet)
Recommendations: Safiya Sinclair, Cannibal (Picador)
Bill Manhire, Wow (Carcanet)
Daisy Lafarge, Life Without Air (Granta)
Nii Ayikwei Parkes, The Geez (Peepal Tree Press)
Special Commendation: Staying Human anthology (Bloodaxe)
Translation Choices: The Abduction by Maram al-Masri (Southword) Translated by Theo Dorgan

The Day Laid Bare by Kiwao Nomura (Isobar) Translated by Eric Selland
Wild Card Choice:  Matthew Sweeney, Shadow of the Owl (Bloodaxe)

Join now to be on our Winter mailing list for these incredible books, hot off the press in November. PBS Members enjoy a year of poetry parcels delivered straight to their door plus 25% off all books on our extensive independent poetry bookshop. Don't forget new members also get a FREE copy of our Autumn magazine, a £10 book voucher and a free Edwin Morgan Poetry Award pamphlet whilst stocks last.




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