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It's World Book Day today! World Book Day celebrates reading and highlights the work of World Book Day charity which aims to provide every child and young person in the UK with a book of their own.

To encourage and support reading among children, the PBS is offering a 30% discount on our children’s poetry books to anyone, members and non-members, buying a PBS book from Thursday to Sunday this week. Take advantage of the offer by using the promotional code WORLDBOOKDAY at checkout. 

Check out our Children’s Poetry Corner and choose your favourite book for your little one(s)!

 Our top three recommendations for World Book Day are:

#1 The Book of Clouds by Juris Kronbergs (The Emma Press, 2018), translated from the Latvian by Mara Rozitis & Richard O’Brien. This book, aimed at children aged 6+/8+, helps them explore the world around them and the sky above them. It is wonderfully illustrated with watercolours and collage, and includes 9 pages for your child’s own notes and sketches

#2 How to Write Poems by Joseph Coelho (Bloomsbury Activity Book, 2017), illustrated by Matt Robertson. This is the perfect activity book to give as a gift! Children will learn how to write poems in a playful way!

#3 Poems to Live Your Life By, by Chris Riddell (Pan Macmillan, 2018). This is an illustrated collection of classic and modern poetry dealing with different topics grouped in the following sections: musings, youth, family, love, imaginings, nature, war and endings. It includes classics such as William Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll, W. B. Yeats and Christina Rossetti alongside writings by Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Carol Ann Duffy, Neil Gaiman and Roger McGough.


And there’s a lot more on our list, you can enjoy browsing! If you’re a T.S. Eliot fan, we recommend T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (Faber & Faber), featuring poems originally written for his godchildren and restored 1982 black and white illustrations by Edward Gorey.


You can find more information on World Book Day and its impact on the World Book Day website.

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