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What a year it's been for poetry! We've been looking back at the incredible range of poets in the PBS Class of 2019. We're so proud that so many of our PBS alumnae have gone on to win other prizes, like our PBS Winter Choice from 2018 Raymond Antrobus' The Perseverance which has just won the Sunday Times Young Writer Award! Our Selectors sure know how to spot the talent ahead of the crowds. What's your poetry book of 2019? Send us your poetry picks @PoetryBookSoc. Don't forget PBS Members can order all copies with 25% off, so why not share your favourites this Christmas! 


Here's our A- Z of 2019 PBS Books:


 Amy Acre, And They Are Covered in Gold Light (Bad Betty Press)

Juana Adcock, Split (Blue Diode Press)

Rachael Allen, Kingdomland (Faber) Spring Choice 

Anthony Anaxagorou, After the Formalities (Penned in the Margins)

Charlotte Ansell, Deluge (flipped eye)

Jericho Brown, The Tradition (Picador) 

Jay Bernard, Surge (Chatto)

Fiona Benson, Vertigo & Ghost, Jonathan Cape

Zoe Brigley, Hand & Skull (Bloodaxe)

Carmen Bugan, Lilies from America – New & Selected (Shearsman)

Elisabeth Sennitt Clough, At Or Below Sea Level (Paper Swans Press)

Mary Jean Chan, Flèche (Faber)

Kwame Dawes and John Kinsella, Tangling with the Epic (Peepal Tree Press)

Inua Ellams, The Half God of Rain Fall  (Harper Collins)

Manuel Forcano, Maps of Desire, Arc

Marilyn Hacker, Blazons: New and Selected Poems (Carcanet)

Seán Hewitt, Lantern (Offord Road)

Mimi Khalvati, Afterwardness (Carcanet)

Igor Klikovac, Stockholm Syndrome (Smith / Doorstop)

Ilya Kaminsky, Deaf Republic (Faber)

Layli Long Soldier Whereas (Picador)

Lieke Marsman, The Following Scan Will Last Five Minutes, Trans. Sophie Collins (Pavilion)

Scott McKendry, Curfuffle (Lifeboat Press)

Charlotte Mew, Selected Poetry and Prose, ed. Julia Copus (Faber)

Dunya Mikhail, In Her Feminine Sign, Carcanet Press)

Mariano Peyrou: The Year of the Crab (Shearsman)

Vidyan Ravinthiran, The Million-Petalled Flower of Being Here (Bloodaxe)  

Deryn Rees-Jones, Erato (Seren)

Denise Riley, Selected Poems (Picador)

Seni Seneviratne, Unknown Soldier (Peepal Tree)

Zoë Skoulding, Footnotes to Water (Seren)

Peter Sirr, The Gravity Wave (Gallery)

Rebecca Tamás, WITCH (Penned in the Margins)

Amish Trivedi, Your Relationship to Motion Has Changed (Shearsman)

Jane Yeh, Discipline (Carcanet)


Don't forget PBS Members can order copies here with 25% off.

Here's to lots more fantastic poetry next year. Join the PBS today and make 2020 your year of poetry discovery or treat the poetry lover in your life to a PBS Gift Membership for a gift that keeps giving all year around.



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