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Day two in our set of fourteen special offers for Christmas provides you with a one-time discount on a beautifully presented collection by our current Poet Laureate. From now until the 17th you will be able to purchase Carol Ann Duffy's Sincerity at 40% discount when you enter SONNET2 into the promotion code box at check-out.


Sincerity is a fantastic collection, presented in an illuminated hardback edition perfect for the Christmas season, described in our latest Bulletin as a 'crowning glory' and a 'momentous volume'. This will be the last book by Carol Ann Duffy while she holds the position of Poet Laureate, as her ten-year tenure ends this coming year. You can order this title here.


We will be unveiling a new offer every day for the first fourteen days of December. Keep an eye on our website for further special discounts and bundle deals!


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