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Shrines of Upper Austria by Phoebe Power is a PBS Recommendation, winner of the 2018 Forward Prize for Best First Collection, and shortlisted in the 2018 T. S. Eliot prize. For the 8th day of December, we are offering 30% off this title, running until the 17th.


Shrines of Upper Austria

Wandering in central Europe, a traveller observes and records a landscape of lakes, folk culture and uneasy histories. Phoebe Power’s Shrines of Upper Austria gathers numerous stories and perspectives, such as the fragmented narrative of an Austrian woman who married a British soldier after the Second World War, and the voices of schoolchildren and immigrants. Strange discoveries are made: a grave for two dead goats; a lantern procession on the night of Epiphany; a baby abandoned by a river; a homemade frog-puppet.

The poems are a collage of stories and histories, set in a variety of forms and registers. They are attentive to local detail, rich in the names of people and places – Marija, Omegepta, Eck 4 and the Loser Mountain. Mixing poetry and prose, image and narrative, German and English, Power’s poems are a celebration of creativity in unlikely places. Against a disquieting backdrop of mild winters and memories of snow, they invite us to question what it means to feel at once a stranger and at home. 


Order this title here at 30% off when you use the code SONNET8 in the promotion code field during check-out.


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