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Faber has launched a new poetry podcast, curated by award-winning poets Rachael Allen and Jack Underwood. The Faber Poetry Podcast is a twice-monthly podcast bringing together some of the most exciting voices from the world of poetry, produced and presented by Rachael and Jack.


Whether you're a devotee or a newcomer to verse, join Rachael and Jack for lively conversation with their studio guests and audio postcards sent by acclaimed poets from around the globe. The podcast forms a six-part series on audioBoom.


In the first episode, Rachael and Jack discuss talismans, teenage crushes and gateways to poetry with their studio guests, former PBS Recommendation Emily Berry and Momtaza Mehri. Forthcoming guests in series one include Spring Choice Sophie Collins and audio postcards from PBS Summer Choice Vahni Capildeo, Summer Pamphlet Choice Mary Jean Chan and PBS Recommendation Ocean Vuong, so it's definitely worth a listen!


Listen to the first episode here!

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