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We're delighted to see so many PBS poets on the #ForwardPrizes 2022 shortlists which have just been announced today. Our selectors have a great eye for future prize winners. Many congratulations to all of the poets and publishers on the shortlist this year!
The Felix Dennis Prize for Best First Collection:

🌟Warsan Shire, Bless the Daughter
🌟Stephanie Sy-Quia, Amnion
🌟Mohammed El-Kurd, Rifqa
🌟Padraig Regan, Some Integrity
🌟Holly Hopkins, The English Summer

The Shortlist for Best Collection:

🌟Shane McCrae, Cain Named the Animal
🌟Kaveh Akbar, Pilgrim Bell
🌟Kim Moore, All the Men I Never Married
🌟Anthony Joseph, Sonnets for Albert
🌟Helen Mort, The Illustrated Woman (not yet published)

The Shortlist for Best Single Poem:

🌟Nick Laird🌟
🌟Clare Pollard🌟
🌟Carl Phillips🌟
🌟Cecelia Knapp🌟
🌟Louisa Campbell🌟


Follow the links to order their books with 25% off for PBS Members and watch this space for a special member bundle offer later in the Summer.

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