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FRANK Ormsby has been awarded the prestigious position of The Ireland Professor of Poetry by President Michael D Higgins. 

Frank Ormsby is the eighth person to hold the three-year position which was founded in 1998 following the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Seamus Heaney.

The post was created by the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, Queen's University Belfast and University College Dublin to celebrate the exceptional contribution of Irish poets to literature.

Frank Ormsby has twice been awarded a PBS Selection in recent years. He was selected as the PBS Pamphlet Choice for his moving pamphlet of poems about the onset of Parkinson's disease The Parkinson's Poems and Recommended for his full collection The Darkness of Snow, published by Bloodaxe. PBS Members can order both collections with their special 25% discount via the links.

Image credit, The Irish Times.

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