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The wonderful Chatto poetry have kindly donated a beautiful copy of Liz Berry's Winter Pamphlet Choice The Republic of Motherhood for this week's Friday Freebie! We'll be giving away this free copy to the first person to buy a new membership (of any kind) and use the code MOTHERHOOD at the checkout. Good luck everyone!

In this bold and resonant gathering of poems, Liz Berry turns her distinctive voice to the transformative experience of new motherhood. Her poems sing the body electric, from the joy and anguish of becoming a mother, through its darkest hours to its brightest days. With honesty and unabashed beauty, they bear witness to that most tender of times – when a new life arrives, and everything changes.

Liz Berry is the author of Black Country, which won a Somerset Maugham Award, the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, and the Forward Prize for Best First Collection. ‘The Republic of Motherhood’ won the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem 2018. She lives in Birmingham, with her partner and their two sons.

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