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Instead of encouraging mindless consumerism, we're turning Black Friday into something positive with our "Give Back Friday" offer. For only £24.99 (that's just £7.99 a quarter) you can donate a digital membership to uplift and inspire a fellow poetry fan during this cost-of-living crisis.

We'll gift your donated digital membership to a poetry-reader-in-need, who is in receipt of the following benefits: Job Seeker’s Allowance, Working Tax Credit, Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or defined as living below the poverty line, based on an open call out and application. 

Your generous donation will grant someone free digital access to four inspiring poetry magazines throughout the year. So donate a Digital Membership today and help us give back to the poetry community. 

Donate a Digital Membership here for a reader-in-need. 

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