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Happy International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day! We've been celebrating by looking back at the wide range of incredible women's poetry collections in our recent PBS selections. Here are a few highlights: 
Spring 2016
 Vahni Capildeo | Measures of Expatriation
Summer 2016
 Denise Riley | Say Something Back
Susan Wicks | The Months
Beverley Bie Brahic | Hunting the Boar
Autumn 2016
  Alice Oswald | Falling Awake
Deryn Rees-Jones | What It's Like to be Alive
Winter 2016
Anne Carson | Float
Rachael Boast | Void Studies
Jane Draycott | The Occupant
Spring 2017
Emily Berry | Stranger, Baby 
 Elaine Feinstein | The Clinic, Memory
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