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Happy National Poetry Day! To celebrate we're giving you the chance to win a FREE PBS Membership in our prize draw. All you have to do is buy any poetry book today or tomorrow from our online bookshop and we'll automatically enter you into our NPD Prize Draw for the chance to win a FREE PBS MEMBERSHIP!

This year the National Poetry Day theme is the environment, so we'll be posting our favourite eco-poetry throughout the day. Watch this space and don't forget to share your favourite environmental poems on our social media @poetrybooksoc too.

Here are 8 eco-poetry books to read right now for National Poetry Day.

* Zaffar Kunial’s long awaited second collection, England's Green, our Autumn Recommendation, is deeply aware of its natural surroundings.

*Climate Writer-in-Residence Linda France's new collection Startling harnesses the power of innate ecological awareness to create a lasting synergy between nature and culture.

*How might it feel for plants to live social lives as humans? In Sumana Roy's V.I.P, ‘plant’ replaces ‘people’ to become Very Important Plant.

*Don't miss Sylvia Legris' radical botanical Garden Physic - a glorious meditation on the garden and the power of plants: how they can heal us, emotionally and physically

*In this exquisite Hazel Press anthology Seeds & Roots Ella Duffy selects 24 eco poems which make us think again about seeds and roots and experience new worlds, both personal and political, in the ground beneath our feet.

*This Candlestick press pamphlet anthology Ten Poems about Wildlife is a delightful celebration of the many wild creatures that flutter, slither, swim or stride through the British countryside.

*Out of Time Poetry From the Climate Emergency is the definitive climate anthology for this decisive decade featuring Inua Ellams, Pascale Petit, Raymond Antrobus and more.

*Footprints: an anthology of new ecopoetry is a book about hope, showing us new ways of living and thinking ecologically.

Buy here with 25% off for PBS Members and you'll be entered into our prize draw to win a free membership.




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