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Happy World Poetry Day to our members across the world! World Poetry Day was declared by UNESCO in 1999 to "support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increase the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard". 

We've gathered some of our favourite recent world poetry books from the stunning Out of Sri Lanka anthology, translated from Sinhala and Tamil,  to The Sea In My Bones by Juana Iris Goergen, written in Spanish, Taino and Yoruba, translated by Silvia R. Tandeciarz.

As Raymond Antrobus says, "poetry is music from the place we are born", and we love the musical multilingualism of Agnès Agboton's Voice of the Two Shores, written in her native Gun, an endangered West African language, and Spanish and translated by Lawrence Schimel.

We're also excited to share this new edition of The Tale of Kiều by Nguyễn Du, a Vietnamese epic translated by Nguyễn Bình (Major Books UK) which we've just released for pre-order. There's a poetry book here to transport you to every part of the world.

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