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Here's a sneak preview from our interview with PBS Spring Recommended poet Tiffany Atkinson in the PBS Spring Bulletin


"The opening sequence in Lumen began as the documenting of a short writer’s residency in my local hospital. But as I began writing, a more open and exploratory work emerged as my own experiences, and those of the people I talked to, began to muddle my “documentary” intentions. The clash of the literal and lateral is something explored explicitly in several poems, like ‘McGill Pain Questionnaire (Annotated)’ for example. The actual questionnaire – a published table of adjectives for classifying pain – has been criticised for unhelpful hairsplitting (how do we distinguish between “pulsing” and “throbbing”, for example)?"

Tiffany Atkinson is the author of four poetry collections, winner of the Jerwood Aldeburgh First Collection Prize and the Roland Mathias Poetry Prize. She is currently working on a book about poetry, ethics and embarrassment. Tiffany is a Leverhulme Research Fellow and Professor of Creative Writing (Poetry) at the University of East Anglia.

Join the Poetry Book Society today to read more and order Lumen here with 25% off for PBS Members.

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