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Members get 25% off Books - Join Today!


To help you through the lock-down we've launched a special SELF-ISOLATION PROMOTION to bring PBS Members even more poetry. If you join the Poetry Book Society as a new Choice Member today, you'll immediately receive a FREE poetry parcel, containing the dazzling debut collection RENDANG by Will Harris and our beautiful Spring Bulletin magazine - full of poems, reviews and interviews to keep you entertained in self isolation. You'll also get a whole year of quarterly poetry parcels delivered straight to your door, as well as 25% off all books at, so that's FIVE PBS poetry parcels for the price of FOUR! 

We are a small organisation (with a big heart) and your support during these precarious times means the world to us. As I’m sure you will expect, the poetry publishing industry is likely to be significantly affected by this pandemic. If you are in a position to do so, purchasing a 
PBS Choice Membership during this time will be greatly appreciated and some positive poetry stockpiling will profoundly help the wide range of poets and publishers we support. For those of you in self isolation we can bring some poetry back into your life and deliver so many wonderful poetry books straight to your doorstep from

Thanks once again for all your support - it means a lot to us - and we hope we can continue to bring you some sort of normality, solace and joy through poetry.

With very best wishes to you, your families and friends, 

Alice, Sophie, Nathaniel and all of Team PBS


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