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We're very excited to announce that our first Poetry Book Society Vlog is now LIVE!

Click on the image above to watch our Vlogger in Residence Jen Campbell's insightful reviews of our Winter Selections and look out for an exclusive discount code on membership too. Jen will be reviewing our seasonal selections throughout the year so watch this space for more recommendations!

What's your favourite book from our Winter Selections? Join the discussions on our social media @PoetryBookSoc #onlinepoetrybookclub #passonthepoetrylove.

Jen Campbell is an award-winning poet and short story writer. Her debut short story collection 'The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night' will be published by Two Roads in November, and her debut children's book 'Franklin's Flying Bookshop' is published by Thames & Hudson. She is also the Sunday Times bestselling author of the 'Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops' series and 'The Bookshop Book.' 

Her poetry pamphlet 'The Hungry Ghost Festival' is published by The Rialto and she won an Eric Gregory Award in 2016. She's been a poetry judge for the Costa Book Awards and is currently judging the Somerset Maugham Award. She talks about books over at

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