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Members get 25% off Books - Join Today!


There are less than 3 days left to join the Poetry Book Society in time for the Spring Mailing featuring these incredible books. The mailing list cut off date is the 14th February so hurry and join now. We offer a range of memberships from our popular Choice Membership which gives you the PBS quarterly Choice RENDANG by Will Harris and our Bulletin magazine (that's 4 books and magazines a year) through to Complete Membership for SIX books and our magazine every quarter (a mere 24 books a year!). 

Choice: Will Harris, RENDANG (Granta)
Carolyn Forché, In the Lateness of the World (Bloodaxe)
Danez Smith, Homie (Chatto)
Marvin Thompson, Road Trip (Peepal Tree)
Claire Crowther, Solar Cruise (Shearsman)
Special Commendation: Srinivas Rayaprol, Angular Desire: Selected Poems and Prose (Carcanet)
Translation: Christel Wiinblad, My Little Brother (Valley Press)
Wild Card: Jennifer Wong, Letters Home (Nine Arches Press)
Pamphlet: Síofra McSherry, Requiem
Don't forget PBS Members also get 25% off all poetry book on our website.
Join here before the 14th February to ensure you're on our Spring Mailing List.
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