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We're delighted to announce that submissions to the Women's Poetry Competition and Pamphlet Competition are now open!

This is the second year we have partnered with Mslexia to bring you two exciting competitions promoting women's poetry. The top prize for the Women's Poetry Competition will be £2,000, mentorship with PBS Selector Sandeep Parmar, and a residency kindly offered by Cove Park. The winner of the Women's Pamphlet Competition will receive £250 at publication of their pamphlet by Seren.

Entries are open from the 1st of June until the 16th of September, 5pm GMT. You can submit online by clicking the Submittable button below, or click here for more information about the prizes, including the terms and conditions, and alternative ways to submit.

Malika Booker and Amy Wack will be judging the competition, and we're extremely excited to see all of the new poetry you have been working on! For a taster of last year's entries, the below poem was penned by the 1st place prize winner Penny Boxall.


The Wedding List


For now it’s on the shelf, intact,

but mine’s the sort of mind that slips.

All this will smash or rust or crack.

I see it turning out like this:


a wineglass with a hairline fault.

The pepperpot not worth its salt.

That sugarbowl will have the sense

knocked out of it. The future tense.


The crystal tumblers, tumbling.

Those saucepans scratched and ditched. The sum

of home in parts. The very rug

pulled out from – Wait, is that my mug?


The vase that never really ‘went’.

A spoon short of the complement…

The list is lost, the loot dispersed.

Just letters, then. The sort that hurt.





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