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Launching the Spring Podcast!

We are delighted to announce that our Spring Podcast is now live! On this PBS Pickle Jar Special, Arji is in conversation with Richard Scott. Click here to listen to their discussion on That Broke into Shining Crystals, the PBS Spring Choice. Expect in depth detail and Richard’s wonderful readings of ‘Still Life with Bananas’ and ‘Red Jasper’.

That Broke into Shining Crystals is Richard Scott’s second collection. In three distinct yet interlocking parts, Scott navigates still-life paintings, repurposed lexicons and a spread of crystals and gemstones to document what it is to have survived “seismic assaults, the buried silences”. Read along to the podcast and read on to discover Scott’s self-determined and radically queer exploration of trauma and vulnerability - violation and its aftershock, with your own copy of That Broke into Shining Crystals available to purchase from our bookshop here with 25% off for members.

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