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This Solstice seems like the perfect time to reveal the winner of our Metro Poetry Prize is ‘Nightfall’ by Nicola Healey! This beautiful and hopeful winter poem reminds us all that brighter days are to come. You can see it displayed in all its glory on a giant poster on Longbenton metro platform right now.

We'd like to wish all our PBS members and extended poetry family a very happy solstice and Merry Christmas from the PBS and Inpress team! Our poetry community means so much to us and we'd like to say a heartfelt thanks to all of you for helping our poets and publishers through these still-quite-strange-times.

We're profoundly grateful for all your support and kindness and we wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season.

Best wishes for a poetry filled 2022 from Alice, Sophie, Emily, Nathaniel, Kym, Rebecca, Naveed and Jane.
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