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Independent literary publisher Penned in the Margins has acquired After the Formalities by Hackney-based writer and educator Anthony Anaxagorou.

After the Formalities explores ideas of division and dominance, incorporating history, science and philosophy alongside autobiographical narratives to examine how race, class and masculinity is shaped in contemporary Britain. It is the breakthrough collection of poems by Anthony Anaxagorou, a dynamic writer, educator and literary activist described by The Independent as ‘a vastly accomplished, unconventional, selfless poet’.

Editor Tom Chivers bought world rights from Claudia Young of Greene & Heaton, seeing off interest from three other publishers to acquire the book, which he has described as “technically achieved, emotionally transformative and razor-sharp”.

On the news, Anaxagorou commented, “I feel British poetry is in the midst of an affirming renaissance and there’s perhaps no better time to be publishing books. The work Penned in the Margins is doing to help give impetus to widening audiences and cultural attitudes towards poetry is both august and unparalleled. For those reasons alone I’m thoroughly delighted to be working with them.”

After the Formalities will be published in September 2019.

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