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A new poem by Carol Ann Duffy written to mark the centenary of Armistice Day has just been released. The Wound in Time will be read by individuals, families and communities as they gather on beaches on 11 November for a special event called Pages of the Sea devised by the Film Maker Danny Boyle.

Everyone is welcome to join in on the 1 November 2018 on beaches across the UK to say goodbye and thank you, to the millions of men and women who left their shores during the war, many never to return. On selected beaches around the UK, over the course of several hours, a portrait of an individual from the First World War will emerge from the sand before being washed away, as we take a moment to say a collective goodbye.

Director, Danny Boyle said: “I hope that Carol Ann Duffy’s poem will be something that you’ll read privately as individuals, or with friends, or publicly amongst people on the beach on 11 November. Poetry in First World War was such an extraordinary artform – it reported in the way that television does now on experiences that were unimaginable to the people at home.” 

Read the full poem here or order Carol Ann Duffy's Armistice anthology with 25% off here.

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