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Last year's 2017 Pamphlet Prize Bryony Littlefair is kindly donating 1 FREE ENTRY intended to help someone who is struggling to pay the £20 entry fee. For a chance to win this free place, please email with the subject line BRYONYDONATION and outline why you feel you are eligible for this hardship fund. We only have 1 free entry available and will assign it on a first come basis. Best of luck to everyone submitting their pamphlets and poetry today.

Bryony Littlefair won the Mslexia Pamphlet Competition in 2017 and her pamphlet Giraffe was published with Seren and is available to order here. Her poems have appeared in the New Welsh Reader, Popshot Magazine, Ink, Sweat and Tears and elsewhere. She works at literature charity The Reader and at a community centre in Kilburn. 

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