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In these uncertain times, we've been seeking solace and inspiration in poetry. Whether you're anxious about the state of the world or dealing with your own difficulties, here are three anthologies to restore those flagging spirits.

This pocketbook selection of 100 essential poems from Bloodaxe's powerful trilogy of anthologies (Staying Alive, Being Alive and Being Human) is an absolute life-saver. Full of life affirming poems tackling love and loss; fear and longing; hurt and wonder; grief and suffering; hope and belief … all of human life is here in 100 poems which touch the heart, stir the mind and fire the spirit.

National Poetry Day founder William Sieghart gathers wise and winning words  from Kipling's classic ode to keep calm and carry on ("If you can keep your head when all about you / Are losing theirs") to Maya Angelou's phenomenally rousing poem: "Still I Rise". This hardback anthology is full of poetry to revive and re-invigorate the troubled soul.

A carefully compiled anti-stress anthology by Deborah Alma, the world's first emergency poet who prescribes poems to cure stress, depression and other anxieties. This powerful range of verse, new and old, will be a comfort to all those in need of a pick-me-up poem, a glimmer of hope and extra courage.

Thinking of our global poetry community, we hope you're all staying safe and reading plenty of poetry books.


Here is Wild Geese by Mary Oliver from Essential Poems: Staying Alive Trilogy to remind you "meanwhile the world goes on".


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