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Poet of the Week


Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa is a British born Barbadian raised poet, dancer, choreographer and researcher whose interdisciplinary art weaves together poetry and dance. She has won multiple national slam championships including the UK Hammer & Tongue National Slam Championships and the BBC Edinburgh Fringe Award. In 2020 she was awarded The New Voice in Poetry Prize and was shortlisted for the Out-Spoken Page Poetry Prize and Creative Future Writer’s Award. She is an Obsidian Foundation fellow & Apples & Snakes/ Jerwood Arts Poetry in Performance recipient.

Working towards her debut collection, Cane Corn & Gully, which gives voice to enslaved Barbadian women, Kinshasa danced across Barbados, using dances once performed by those very women. In this extraordinary book, poetry is paired with labanotation so readers can experience dance on the page alongside Kinshasa's words.

Cane, Corn & Gully by Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa was our Poetry Book Society Choice for Winter 2022. You can buy your copy here, with 25% off for members.

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