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The summer is in full swing and The PBS Mslexia Women's Poetry Prizes are OPEN, so it's definitely time to get writing again! Throughout August we'll be revealing our PBS Poets' Top Tips to help unlock your inner muse. We've got an exciting line-up of PBS  poets waiting to share their top tips with you. First up it's our PBS Autumn Recommendation Andrew McMillan...

Andrew McMillans Top 3 #PoeTips:

  1.  Don’t try and sound poetic
  2. Don’t be taken in by fashions, or by what the group think or social media tells you to read. Find your own neglected or unheard of poets from past centuries, and bring them into the light
  3. Write into discomfort, formally & emotionally

Andrew McMillan's debut collection physical was the first ever poetry collection to win The Guardian First Book Award. It also won the Fenton Aldeburgh First Collection Prize, a Somerset Maugham Award (2016), an Eric Gregory Award (2016) and a Northern Writers' award (2014). He is senior lecturer at the Manchester Writing School at MMU and lives in Manchester. Andrew McMillan's second collection Playtime is published this week. Order yours here with 25% PBS member discount.

Follow us @poetrybooksoc on facebook, twitter and instagram for more PBS #PoeTips 

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