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Members get 25% off Books - Join Today!


We're delighted to announce that we now offer a recurring payment option so you can avoid all the hassle with a simple annual auto-renewal. Whether you're a new member or someone renewing their existing membership, our recurring membership options are the quickest and easiest option to ensure your PBS poetry parcels keep coming throughout the year! 

Our expert Selectors Sandeep Parmar and Vidyan Ravinthiran have an incredible track record of spotting prize-winning poets ahead of the crowds, so we've got so many exciting poetry books to share with you over the next twelve months. 

Join as a PBS FULL MEMBER by 15th August to be on the mailing list for the PBS Autumn Choice, The Tradition by US legend Jericho Brown and the Autumn Bulletin, full of poems, reviews and exclusive interviews with Anthony Anaxagorou, Mary Jean Chan, Seni Seneviratne, Peter Sirr, Carmen Bugan, Scott McKendry and Dunya Mikhail in late August, ahead of high-street bookshops.

PBS Members also get access to our lively poetry community with nationwide events and 25% off our extensive poetry bookshop online. You can also take advantage of the Forward Prizes Summer Book Club Bundle offer and get your hands on all 10 shortlisted Forward Prize books for only £60 (plus shipping) alongside specially commissioned reading notes. We do hope you'll join us for a year of PBS Membership and help support a wide range of poets and publishers, both established and emerging, big and small. 

Click here to buy your PBS FULL recurring membership and start your journey of poetry discovery!

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