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British-Trinidadian poet Roger Robinson has been awarded the T S Eliot Prize for A Portable Paradise, published by independent Peepal Tree Press.

Roger Robinson is a writer and performer who lives between London and Trinidad. His first full poetry collection, The Butterfly Hotel, was shortlisted for The OCM Bocas Poetry Prize. He has toured extensively with the British Council and is a co-founder of both Spoke Lab and the international writing collective Malika’s Kitchen.

According to the Guardian, the £25,000 TS Eliot prize has been described by the former poet laureate, Sir Andrew Motion, as “the prize most poets want to win”. Chair of the Judges, John Burnside, praised A Portable Paradise for “finding in the bitterness of everyday experience continuing evidence of ‘sweet, sweet life’.” The judging panel also included PBS Pamphlet Selector Nick Makoha and poet Sarah Howe.

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