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Spring is in the air! Have you got your Spring Bulletin yet? We'd love to hear your favourites from the Spring book mail. Share your favourite poems and your poetry parcel pics with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. There are so many exciting debut poets in this Spring book mail including Sophie Collins, Hannah Sullivan, Kaveh Akbar, Phoebe Power, as well as established greats Robin Robertson, Laurie Duggan and Meryl Pugh, our Guest Selection from Kayo Chingonyi and the translation choice by Luljeta Lleshanaku. Join the PBS today as a Charter member to get the Spring PBS Choice (Who is Mary Sue? by Sophie Collins) and Four Spring Recommendation books (Calling A Wolf A Wolf by Kaveh Akbar, Three Poems by Hannah Sullivan, The Shrines of Upper Austria by Phoebe Power and The Long Take by Robin Robertson) as well as a FREE SIGNED copy of Carol Ann Duffy's The World's Wife in your welcome pack. 

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