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Thanks to everyone who came along to our red-hot PBS Summer Showcase at the Southbank Centre in London this week. It was great to meet so many members and hear such a world-class range of poets including Mary Jean Chan and Jay G Ying, all the way from Hong Kong, Sandeep Parmar and Amy Key, in this stunning setting! Here are a few highlights from the night:

'I am taking up too much of my own life... The garden told me...Attend to your dream'  Isn't Forever by Amy Key, PBS Summer Wild Card selected by Anthony Anaxagorou

'We must interrogate the walls' - A Hurry of English by Mary Jean Chan, PBS Pamphlet Choice selected by A.B. Jackson and Denise Saul 

PBS Co-Book Selector and Ledbury Forte Prize winning author of EidolonSandeep Parmar, introduces the Summer Selections and hosts the evening.

 Jay G Ying reads his 'inevitable and unpredictable' 1st prize winning poem 'A Scattering' which features alongside our other two wonderful PBS Student Poetry prize winners in the PBS Summer Bulletin.

And the evening ends with a surreal poetry singalong to Sister Act on the Southbank balcony below.

PBS Members can order all their books with 25% discount via the links above.

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