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We're delighted to see recent PBS Selections Raymond Antrobus and Zaffar Kunial on the 2019 Longlist for the Rathbones Folio Prize. Here are the twenty titles on the Longlist:

 Can You Tolerate This, Ashleigh Young (Bloomsbury)

The Crossway, Guy Stagg (Picador)

Francis: A Life in Songs, Ann Wroe (Cape)

Ghost Trees, Bob Gilbert (Saraband)

House of Stone, Novuyo Rosa Tshuma (Atlantic)

I Am Dynamite!, Sue Prideaux (Faber)

Land of the Living, Georgina Harding (Bloomsbury)

The Library of Ice, Nancy Campbell (Scribner)

Little, Edward Carey (Aardvark Bureau)

Mary Ann Sate, Imbecile, Alice Jolly (Unbound)

Milkman, Anna Burns (Faber)

Mothers, Chris Power (Faber)

Murmur, Will Eaves (CB Editions)

Normal People, Sally Rooney (Faber)

Ordinary People, Diana Evans (Chatto & Windus)

The Perseverance, Raymond Antrobus (Penned In The Margins)

Red Birds, Mohammed Hanif (Bloomsbury)

There There, Tommy Orange (Harvill Secker)

Us, Zaffar Kunial (Faber)

West, Carys Davies (Granta)

The judges – Chloe Aridjis, Kate Clanchy and Owen Sheers – will next decide on a Shortlist of eight titles, to be announced on Thursday 4 April 2019. The winner of the £30,000 Rathbones Folio Prize will be announced at a gala ceremony on Monday 20 May 2019.
Follow the links above to order your copies of these PBS poetry collections with your 25% PBS Member discount. 
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