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The Forward Prizes for Poetry Winners

We're delighted that two PBS selected poets were awarded the Forward Prizes for Poetry last night!

PBS Summer Choice Sinéad Morrissey won the Forward Prize for Best Collection for On Balance (Carcanet) and our Summer Recommendation Ocean Vuong won the Felix Dennis Prize for Best First Collection for Night Sky with Exit Wounds (Cape) at the Royal Festival Hall yesterday evening. The prize for best single poem was won by Ian Patterson for The Plenty of Nothing, published in PN Review.

The Prizes were supported by Bookmark and the late Felix Dennis. This year’s judging panel was chaired by Andrew Marr, journalist and television presenter, and included poets Ian Duhig, PBS Selector Sandeep ParmarMona Arshi, and artist Chris Riddell. 

PBS Members can pick up their copies of On Balance and Night Sky With Exit Wounds with 25% discount by following the links.

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