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The Telegraph's Christmas Poetry Book Guide has just been released and features plenty of PBS favourites, including Suzannah Evans's wonderful doom laded debut Near Future (Nine Arches) which they describe as "essential reading". The Telegraph also praised PBS Spring Recommendation Kaveh Akbar's Calling a Wolf a Wolf  as "the most exciting debut of the year" and Danez Smith's Forward Prize-winning Don't Call Us Dead, citing its "Miltonic vision of an afterlife specifically for black boys which might just be 2018's best poem". Other Telegraph highlights of the year included the PBS Summer Wild Card British-Indian poet Zaffar Kunial's Us and the shape-shifting poems of PBS Summer Choice Venus as a Bear (Carcanet) by Vahni Capildeo. Poetry Book Society members can order these titles through our website by following the links above, at 25% discount

Further titles mentioned by the Telegraph, which members can also purchase at discount, include the following:

What a fantastic list! We're delighted to be able to provide them for our members.

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