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'Writing is a bridge between two people, a bridge made of language' - Ocean Vuong, PBS Summer Bulletin

Looking for a Valentine's gift that's a bit different? Forget flowers and chocolates, why not share the love of poetry with Poetry Book Society gift membership? It's the perfect gift for the poetry lover in your life.

Whether you're loved up or love sick you'll love our Valentine's #Fridayfreebie...

Thanks to our friends at The Emma Press, we're delighted to offer a FREE hardback copy of The Emma Press Anthology of Love to the first new member to enter the code LOVEPOETRY at the checkout when purchasing their membership. This beautiful anthology explores the diversity of modern romance. Often awkward, never perfect, these poems of romance are rooted in our own contemporary world of Tinder, Twitter and TV dinners, but also part of an enduring tradition: the cornerstone of our common humanity. In this book, fifty-six poets speak of what love means right here, right now. The perfect gift for Valentine's Day!

PBS members can also order copies here with 25% off in time for delivery for Valentine's Day. Happy reading fellow poetry lovers!

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