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This week's Verve Festival in Birmingham features several of our recent selected poets; Sasha Dugdale, whose collection Joy was our Winter 2017 Choice, and Karen McCarthy Woolf, whose Seasonal Disturbances  was one of last year's Summer Recommendations, will feature from 18:30 on Friday 16th Feb. Pascale Petit, whose Mama Amazonica was our Autumn Choice, will read alongside Sandeep Parmar, one of our new selectors, from 18:00 on Saturday 17th. Both Pascale and Karen will also be giving workshops. You can find out more about Verve Festival here.

Kaveh Akbar will also be reading in Birmingham on 13th March at Waterstones, presented by Verve. Kaveh's Calling a Wolf a Wolf is one of our Spring Recommendations, and this reading will be his only one outside of London on his UK tour, so make sure to snap up tickets here!

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