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T.S. Eliot Prize Shortlist
The T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry has been running since 1993 in honour of T.S. Eliot's memory. This unique and highly ...
Costa Prize Winner Announced!
We're delighted to announce that the PBS Choice Falling Awake by Alice Oswald has been awarded the Costa Book Awar...
Merry Christmas from the Poetry Book Society!
Merry Christmas from the Poetry Book Society from our new home at Inpress in Newcastle! All membership and book ord...
Special Offer on Little Island Press Books
Get the first five books from new publisher Little Island Press for half price with your PBS Membership discount. Nor...
Autumn Bulletin is on its way!
We thank you all for your patience and are delighted to announce that the Autumn Bulletin is in the process of being ...
Alice Mullen Joins Inpress as the new Poetry Book Society Manager
The Poetry Book Society and Inpress are delighted to announce the appointment of Alice Mullen to the role of Poetry B...
PBS members invited to recommend poets to the Ted Hughes Award
The Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry seeks to recognise excellence in poetry, highlighting outstanding contrib...