Passion by David Morley PRE-ORDER
Published24th April 2025. Available for pre-order.
glorious, supercharged book of poetry, honest to the lived experience and language of people on the margins, Passion ranges from poems that trace the intricate beauties of the natural world to poems focused on love, family, and Romany Traveller life. Drawing on Romany language, storytelling and the speech of birds, award-winning poet David Morley offers a provocative and passionate invitation to reflect afresh on the ways in which the lives, stories, and fate of humans – and the more than human – are twinned and entwined. In poems that crackle with verbal energy, he invokes a world where God is Salieri to Nature's Mozart, in which hummingbirds hover like actors "in a theatre of flowers', pipistrelles become piccolos, swans swerve comets, and a Zyzzyx wasp is "a zugzwang of six legs and letters'. There are exuberant celebrations of Romany language in the style of Edward Thomas; of how a Yellowhammer inspired Beethoven's Fifth Symphony; of the world-shaping discoveries of women scientists; and reinventions of Keats' Odes in an age of climate change and environmental devastation.
glorious, supercharged book of poetry, honest to the lived experience and language of people on the margins, Passion ranges from poems that trace the intricate beauties of the natural world to poems focused on love, family, and Romany Traveller life. Drawing on Romany language, storytelling and the speech of birds, award-winning poet David Morley offers a provocative and passionate invitation to reflect afresh on the ways in which the lives, stories, and fate of humans – and the more than human – are twinned and entwined. In poems that crackle with verbal energy, he invokes a world where God is Salieri to Nature's Mozart, in which hummingbirds hover like actors "in a theatre of flowers', pipistrelles become piccolos, swans swerve comets, and a Zyzzyx wasp is "a zugzwang of six legs and letters'. There are exuberant celebrations of Romany language in the style of Edward Thomas; of how a Yellowhammer inspired Beethoven's Fifth Symphony; of the world-shaping discoveries of women scientists; and reinventions of Keats' Odes in an age of climate change and environmental devastation.


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