Are you a dedicated poetry fan? If so, our Complete Membership is the one for you! It's the perfect way to keep up to date with all the latest poetry releases.
Join now and you'll get a FREE copy of our Spring Choice That Broke Into Shining Crystals by Richard Scott and Spring poetry magazine, followed by four curated membership parcels.
The Summer Complete Book Box will include Midden Witch by Fiona Benson (Cape), Chaotic Good by Isabelle Baafi ( Faber), Versus Versus by Rachael Boast (Bloodaxe Books) and Bunting’s Honey by Moya Cannon (Carcanet Press), Beast by Pascale Petit (Bloodaxe Books) and The River Has No Colour by Jessica Taggart Rose, translated into French by Claire Durand-Gasselin (The New Menard Press).
Every quarter our expert Selectors choose six of the very best new poetry books to deliver to your door, alongside our Bulletin magazine, full of reviews and exclusive interviews with major poets. Complete Members receive our seasonal PBS Choice, Translation Choice and the four Recommendations - that's a grand total of 24 books and 4 magazines a year.
New members also get a welcome pack, containing a free poetry magazine and recent Choice book, a £10 book voucher and 25% off all books at our online poetry bookshop throughout your membership. Plus FREE access to our new digital Bulletin archive.
All of our memberships automatically renew one year after purchase. You can amend or cancel this at any time. If you would prefer a one year membership, please contact us.
If you are a school, library or university, please visit our institutional membership options.


Join the Poetry Book Society for 25% off all books
Join the Poetry Book Society for 25% off all books