The Uniform Factory by Louise Fazackerley
The Uniform Factory is modern war poetry marching to it’s own syncopated rhythm.
Anti-war. Pro-soldier. It documents and dreams the after-affects of economic conscription, war in Afghanistan and PTSD. Gallows-humour standing shoulder to shoulder with bitter anger.
The collection is punctuated by landays- a Pashtun poetic form, traditionally spread woman to woman, changing, rebelling and re-mixing in the telling.
Written from the perspective of the families left behind in Northern England.
‘In this astonishing pamphlet Louise Fazackerley shines a passionate and compassionate light on lives lived in the swirling vortex that is the 21st Century. Voices shout from the rooftops, cower in small rooms in family homes and cry out in pain in battlefields. Hear these voices: read this work.’ – Ian McMillan


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