Fishing in the Aftermath: Poems 1994-2014 by Salena Godden
How often is it that a poet with the name recognition factor and critical standing of Salena Godden publishes their frst collection 20 years into their career? This is more that a sweeping up exercise, more than a greatest hits retrospective, more than a gathering up of old work. Salena takes us on a hair-raising ride through the process of a writer, the highs, the lows, the drinks, the lovers, the fghts, the sex (especially the sex) that she has embraced like a method actor in search of a character, and shared with audiences over twenty years.
Like a 21st Century female Bukowski Godden delivers her message straight and full strength. Not for the weak-kneed or faint-hearted, Salena’s is a hurricane of personality and energy, and the full force of the considerable talent that has made her a hit at literary festivals the world over is delivered here in all its frank glory
Salena Godden is one of Britain’s foremost spoke word artists. A regular performer atliterary festivals in the UK and around the world in a career than is now entering its third decade.


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