Susan by Selima Hill
Selima Hill is expert in her craft, and wonderful at creating juxtapositions that surprise.
This new pamphlet, a sequence about love and loss, is a thing to celebrate.
Michael Mackmin
Just knowing Selima Hill is in the world gives me great joy. Freewheeling, wayward and brilliantly anarchic, her poems are a singular bliss.
Liz Berry
This year, Fair Acre Press are issuing a dozen pamphlets by Selima Hill, for decades a cult classic of the poetry world.
The typically laconic titles include The Fly, Susan, and Men in Shorts.
In them this “daughter of a mother/ it’s too late/ to say I’m sorry to/ for being me” is now adventuring fiercely towards older age, a territory with black humour to match her own.
Fantastical and highly readable, this extraordinary poetry is too often sidestepped as unclassifiable.
We should relax, and admire its formal and emotional virtuosity.
Fair Acre Press


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