Hunting the Boar
PBS Recommendation - Summer 2016
Interrogation, the routine
humiliation – stifled cries
like sex, like birth: expulsed from
(some concertina-wired town)
like the bodies she sees
on the world’s front page
dumped like dirty clothes
in front of the machine.
‘I want this to happen in a second / on the page,’ Brahic writes in ‘Stations in the Metro’. ‘But the mind keeeps thinking other things.’ Poised and intimately crafted, Brahic’s poems flicker restlessly in their attention to everything – history, memories, food, desire – that is the present moment.
Beverley Bie Brahic is a prize-winning translator of Apollinaire, Yves Bonnefoy and Francis Ponge. Her previous collection, White Sheets, was shortlisted for the Forward Prize:
'A book of craft, music and a collected vision of life that provides pleasure on every page.’
– Eavan Boland
‘Perhaps partly because of Brahic’s translation work, there’s a sense of joy in language . . .White Sheets is immensely readable, skilfully crafted and rich with ideas and feeling.’
– Katherine Stansfield, Magma
‘Brahic writes with singular, and non-sentimental, brilliance.’
– Ian Pople, Manchester Review


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