The Bell Tower by Pamela Crowe
The Bell Tower is a collection of poems by Pamela Crowe. Cover by Amy Louise Evans.
Sea drags me out. No, not sea, you.
Voluble force back and forth;
you don’t even know
you’re doing it.
Each time, arms stretched,
legs coathangered, I stick man
to the shore,
land gasping, lungs to fill;
I stand still looking back,
so inland, more inland this time.
You cannot get me now.
Drying, that takes weeks.
Wind ribbons to my face
and lifts my greening hair; on safe skin a dress
that buffers, tip-taps my tapered frame. I Flag.
It’s warm though
and the breeze is fine by me, this sexless wind
that doesn’t want me – just strides out my seaborne stare
and carols round like flossing saline
till you come in once more.


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